Wednesday, January 12, 2011


There was a quote that when I was younger my mother stenciled on a chair. This was during her artsy fase, and although I don't remember the exact town that we lived in I do remember certain things about the house. I remember that there were stairs and my moms art studio was under these stairs. I remember that one day a chunk of ceiling actually fell on her art studio lol. No one was injured so the story is just funny.

I remeber my best friend was Coral and we were obsessed with Grease. We had the soundtrack and would dress up in long skirts and act out the songs. American Girl dolls were the best invention and we both had one. We would also routinely marry my brother to other girls in the neighborhood, this was mainly due to my secret wish to one day be a Catholic priest (before I of course learned that you could only be a priest if you were a boy).

So it was in this time of make believe and complete happiness that I first read this quote "Reach for the moon that way if you miss then you will still be among the stars." And as my life has progressed I realize even more the importance of that quote.

To me it means always aim for the top and even if you don't make it where you wanted to be or thought you wanted to be, where you end up is exactly where you were meant to be making it even better. It reminds me that no dream is too big cause no matter what at least you went for it therefore whereever you end up is a beautiful place. Granted sometimes it may take some time to realize the good and beauty in the situation no matter what you always either end up on the moon or with the stars, and both of which have a beautiful view.

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