Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowed In

Thanks to the giant snow storm I have been snowed in my apartment with  my roommates, their boyfriends/boy toys and my AMAZING friend who has helped me to not be the awkward 5th wheel why we are stuck here. And I have to say that when I go on facebook and read statuses and wall posts about how everyone is experiencing cabin fever and such I can't help but wonder.....WHY?

Me and my apartment have had an amazing time! We even suited up and played in the snow. Using the lids of tubs as sleds and burying, jumping and just having a great time. And when we aren't outside frolicking in the winter wonderland? Why the Wii was a great help to get us up and moving, as well as cleaning and most of all drinking and making fun of each other and whatever we happen to be watching. I think the only way we would possibly have gone crazy would be if the power had gone out and we weren't able to access cold booze!
So all I have to say in this post is that I love my friends and would be nothing without them, because if they can make stuck in our apartment with no opportunity to leave or anything a great time, I believe we could do anything!