The title of this is post is compliment of my bestie who happens to be out of the country but would certainly agree that this statement pretty much describes this moment.
So one Friday night I decided it would be fun to have some people over to drink and hot tub. The night started off great! My friend J came over and we started the night by drinking some wine as we watched TV. This quickly became a conversation about how we wanted to do an IBA for homecoming and all the craziness that is going to happen next year when classes start again. Slowly (and by slowly I mean around 9) people began texting me saying that they were on their way to my place, so me being my classy self I polished off my first bottle of wine, put on my bathing suit and told people they could just meet me down by the hot tub. Thus began the hot mess that was me.
So at the hot tub I decide to open wine bottle 2 and people began to arrive. Not a lot of people or anything just a guy friend and his roommate and some girls from my sorority and the drinking begins. Now my guy friend, K, happened to bring along this apple cider moonshine. I've had moonshine before and I know that it can be quite a kick, but K was talking about how it wasn't made exactly write and they ended up cutting it with apple juice, so my thought is ok this isn't that strong. Boy was I wrong, after me and him passing it back and forth quite a bit to the point where over half the bottle was gone he decides to tell me that since it wasn't that strong he added everclear to it. Not only have I had two bottles of wine but I can now add everclear and moonshine to that! Needless to say I was going to end the night very very drunk.
So the girls leave but me, J, K and his roomie decide that we just want to move from the hot tub to the pool so we now begin to swim and play keep away and just have a great time. At some point during this convo i realize exactly how drunk I am and manage to stop drinking the vodka and tequila that we were all taking shots of, but unfortunately it was way to late, I was already drunk and the conversation began to play on my greatest fear.....being cheated on.
K begins to ask for advice about this girl who has been texting him pretty regularly throughout the summer. They used to date but since then she has been seeing some other guy. Apparently this girl was telling him about how things were going really badly and she was about ready to break up with the guy then a couple of days ago she called him a little drunk talking about how she had just broken up with her boyfriend and would he like to come over and hang cause she needs to be around a "good guy." Of course not only does he go over there but they end up hooking up. Now K is kinda a hopeless romantic and really wants a girl that he can settle down with and actually date and he thought that perhaps now that this girl was single something may happen, unfortunately he forgot about how most girls are lying skanks.
Turns out the girl was not only not single but her boyfriend had left for the weekend to visit some family. So the only reason she told Karl to come over was because she wanted to cheat on her boyfriend.Almost as bad as what this girl did to K was how he found out about it, because after saying good-bye to her the next morning she stopped replying to his texts so if she wasn't speaking to him and he wasn't close enough to figure out why from her friends this left facebook. K went on her page to find something that was a change from what had been there the night she called him to hook up and that was a relationship status. Turns out not only was she flirting with K while she had a boyfriend (who hasn't been fighting with her and who has been completely ignorant of all her slutty ways) but she had blocked K from seeing that she was in a relationship! So while he was assuming nothing was there because her and her bf were rocky and about to break up the fact was that they were perfectly happy and weren't having any even minor disagreements in fact they were in love and she had just played K. She knew that he would never hook up with her while she was with someone else so she told him a bunch of lies to make it seem like she was unhappy and he could come in and save her and screw her.
While us girls are trying to break this unhappy fact that this girl is basically scum of the earth and he should never speak to her again somehow my boyfriend gets brought up and stories begin to be told of his previous conquests. Now I can sometimes be irrational like any other girl and I got information from him about old girlfriends and serious relationships at the beginning of the relationship to avoid exactly what happened this night, and that is new information that shakes my trust in him and us.
Everything started harmlessly enough, K, who is really good friends with my bf, wanted to take some of the heat off of him so he began to tell funny stories. One such story was about a girl who used to hook up with my bf and who was now in my house and who I have had some past issues with. While some people think that she is great there are certain things that she did that has tainted my opinion of her, and namely that was hardcore flirting and inappropriately touching my bf when me and him first started getting together.
So what I knew of them was that yes she had stayed the night and made out and she had given him a blow job but she was never his girlfriend and they never had sex. Turns out all that "just hooking up" was a lot more serious than he made it seem. Although she was never given the title of girlfriend she did stay most nights with him for quite a while and was his girlfriend in all but name. Now there were more details that were revealed although I am happy to report that one thing that was true was that he never had sex with her, unfortunately that was the only bright spot.
After hearing all this I changed the subject and the night continued like nothing was wrong. However this is where my night went hazy. We left the pool when it closed at midnight and went up to my apartment where I vaguely remember getting out my computer so that we can watch youtube videos and cooking egg sandwiches for people. Then the night completely turned and I called my boyfriend. Now my recollection of the rest of the evening went two phone calls and 3 texts. The first phone call resulted in me getting a busy signal and being really upset hence the second phone call where I told him that I was upset about the busy signal and that I found out some crazy stuff and he should call me. The texts where similar in nature and were quite polite and not at all drunk crazy me.
Unfortunately I remembered a lot of things wrong! Turns out I called at least 10 times and sent about 7 text messages. I also was not nearly as polite as I thought and left several voicemails about how he was an awful person who was cheating on me and several other horrible things that he is too embarrassed to even admit that I said to him. Needless to say I was screwed! I had just bitched out my boyfriend because I had heard a story of a girl who planned and cheated on her boyfriend and then found out some facts about his past that upset me. Neither of these were any good reason for me to say anything mean to him at all and the worst is I didn't even remember what I said. So when I woke up and got a text about how I called him I just apologized for calling several times and for bothering, not mentioning anything about the content of the messages.
This lead to him getting uber pissed at me! As he put it "if I wrongly accuse him and cheating on me with several different girls the least I can do is have an amazing apology ready first thing in the morning."
Thankfully as crappy as I was to him that night and the following day we have managed to talk to talk it out and after buying him a gift and writing several apology letters, not to mention phone calls, texts, facebook messages and every other form of communication possible he has forgiven me and we are back to the lovey-dovey happy couple we are supposed to be.
And the lessen is never trust a boy bringing moonshine!
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