Well as it is obvious I feel out of the blogging sphere for quite a while, most of the semester in fact. I think life just changed so much that I didn't even know where I was going or what I was doing half the time so how could I explain it anyone else? But here are the updates, for those of you who are interested, and even if your not well your still reading so obviously something caught your attention:
1. That boy that crazy, obnoxious, stubborn, stupid boy well he is officially my boyfriend. Crazy to think that after all that we actually managed to make something work. Is it perfect? Of course not cause well I'm not perfect and neither is he therefore whatever we manage to make together couldn't possibly be perfect. But it's lovely in its imperfections. Even when we fight and want to smack him silly I know that we will work through it and it will be ok and that's not something I am going to be giving up anytime soon.
2. My fourth year of college is ended and I am getting ready to start my victory lap! Yes I will be doing a fifth year so hopefully I can come away with some amazing stories and memories and will be able to leave stupid drama behind.
3. I cried so much that I actually cried for my mother and didn't feel better until I could cry on her shoulder. And as much as I felt like a huge baby it was actually comforting to know that she was there even though we fight and disagree and hurt each other sometimes its nice to be reminded that when I need her she is actually there.
4. I felt my world slip away and I was able to hold onto my sanity, barely. I said good-bye to my best friend and Big Sister in my sorority. She was my everything in Columbia (in a strictly platonic best friend way I swear). She is one of the people who I know that I can trust without question. She keeps my secrets and doesn't judge me. I can come to her with my pain, problems and happy stories and I know that she will listen to all with an open heart only wanting the best for me. Having to tell her goodbye was so hard that I literally didn't do it I gave some weak present that I wrote a note on and avoided that actually moment of goodbye. I mean just knowing that she wasn't going to be around anymore made me cry so hard that I had to go to my mother to calm me. But luckily she should be visiting over the summer and I know that no matter what we will stay close friends.
5. I need a job desperately so that I can have a fabulous summer
and finally 6. I miss my boy. He is spending his summer in Philly with his family and I miss him so much. I miss having someone to cuddle with and talk to and just be there so as much as I don't want to go back to school i'm really hoping that August comes quickly so that I can see him again.
But until then I'll be in Columbia and home alternating and hopefully it'll be an amazing summer that I won't soon forget!
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